Determine the target market

The purpose of defining the target market is to define the sector or market sectors that the project will focus on serving, and it is usually preferred when entering a new market to focus on one sector only and if it proves 
successful it can add other sectors, but it is the multiplicity of methods used to define the target market where it can serve several unconnected sectors, for example It does not have a common relationship except that 
each sector represents an attractive marketing opportunity, and the market as a whole can sometimes be covered by providing a variety of products, each of which is directed to a specific sector. It is clear from the 
foregoing that it is important to focus the efforts of the representatives of the marketing feasibility study on identifying and drawing a realistic picture for each target sector, which reflects the demographic, sociological, 
and economic characteristics, and therefore attractive as a marketing opportunity so that it can be evaluated. Sex, religion, beliefs, customs, and those in charge of the marketing feasibility study. Determine the 
marketing strategy of product planning, pricing, distribution and promotion in line with meeting the needs of consumers in each sector of Targeted marketing sectors
Estimating the market size
Determining the expected demand for the project’s products or services, the factors affecting it, and the market for those stone and corner products are considered in the marketing feasibility study and the following 
feasibility studies for them, but rather the basis in deciding whether the project is valid for implementation or not. The importance of estimating the expected demand for project products is due to: A- Estimating the 
demand is a basis for all estimates. B- Estimating the demand is a basis for determining the extent of the need to expand into existing projects or establishing new projects and choosing their location and determining 
the timing of their establishment. C- Estimating the demand is essential to direct investment for some Projects only. Estimating the project share from the market requires an estimate:
    Total volume of demand
    Overall width size
    The size of the marketing gap
    The share of the project

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